Tanya Merrill

Tanya Merrill was born in New York City in 1987 and received her M.F.A. from Columbia University in 2018. She lives and works in New York City.

Tanya Merrill was born in New York City in 1987 and received her M.F.A. from Columbia University in 2018. She lives and works in New York City. Tanya Merrill's brushstrokes are impressionistic and light, as if the brush could be seen dancing on the canvas, full of mischievous Revelations, smooth brushstrokes that avoid the horror of the images, and transparent dark humor that fills each painting with vividness. European art history has a wide range of influences on Tanya, from Rembrandt to Rubens, from the Dutch Golden Age to Fujita, she is not a simple review and misappropriated of art history masters. Every work tells stories and events.

Hanlf Gallery.Tanya Merrill,2020,New York,US

Rema Hort Mann Foundation.Tanya Merrill,2019,New York,US

In "Mother Teresa in Ecstasy," Merrill repeats his famous depiction of the same theme, exposing the half-naked saint dressed as a nun, both comic and erotic. Merrill lays out her connection to the Dutch golden age, mimicking the concept of "female hysteria" to portray the scene in the same golden light used by 17th-century masters Gerrit Dou and Caspar Netscher.

Mother Teresa in Ecstasy 2018,Tanya Merrill

In Merrill's work, a jumble of characters moves between art history, folklore and mythology. The scene of an 18th century gentleman holding his rifle as the world burns behind him. Tanya Merrill's painting, "Man with Gun," traces history and emphasizes the desire for guns by going back to the drafting of the Second Amendment. The character's excessive fondness for his weapons keeps viewers away from the macho stance of an NRA member.

Man with Gun 2020,Tanya Merrill

Horse with apple and ax 2020,Tanya Merrill

Selected Works